
Overview (Screenshots)


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Alliance Technical Overview


Alliance is a firend-to-friend network. It is written in Java 5.0 using Swing and asynchronous IO (java.nio package). The current implementation uses TCP/IP.

Alliance has file-swarming capabilities like BitTorrent. Unlike BitTorrent it has extensive build-in search, is completely decentralized and designed to be secure.

Alliance uses tiger hashes to identify files. All files that a user shares are automatically hashed and indexed in the background.

Encryption is a vital part of Alliance. Although encryption has been implemented it is currently unstable. Encryption uses the SSL package in Java 5.0 (SSLEngine class).

The user interface is designed with ease-of-use in mind. The goal for the UI is to be extremely simple and concise – everyone that can use Windows XP should be able to use Alliance. Naturally there are many advanced features – but they are hidden by default.

Basic Definitions


A node in the Alliance network.


A node that is trusted. The Alliance application knows the IP number, port number and public encryption key of every Friend it has. This is not called friend in the UI – friends are called “Connections”.


Alliance is made up of two subsystems:

  • Core
  • UI

UI handles the graphical interface. Core handles everything else: network communication, file management, node management, search index and much more. The two subsystems are independent. Core can be run standalone. In fact, when starting Alliance in background mode only the Core subsystem is started (UI is started on demand by the user).

All code in both subsystems may not use any static fields. This is vital because several instances of the each subsystem can run side-by-side in the same Java VM. This is used extensively when testing Alliance (see Testsuite).

System Overview

Subsystem Core

The main entry class to Alliance is CoreSubsystem. This, in turn, contains entry points to several other central parts: FriendManager, FileManager, NetworkManager and InvitationManager.


The current implementation of the network code is in TCPNIONetworkLayer. Network packets are received here, converted to Alliance Packets, and then sent to various Connection classes. Once a network packet is converted to an Alliance packet it is independent of the network layer implementation. Encryption will be handled at this level.

Alliance listens on a single TCP/IP port. This port is randomly selected the first time Alliance starts. Every connection to that port is initially handled by a HandshakeConnection. The HandshakeConnection authenticates the remote computer and creates the appropriate AuthenticatedConnection implementation (for example FriendConnection, DownloadConnection, …).

FriendConnection and RPCs

The FriendConnection is the main communication link between friends. For each active connection to a friend there is a FriendConnection. RPCs are sent over FriendConnections. RPCs are classes extending RPC. They can be send over the network to other friends and contain logic for what to do when they’re received.

For example, to send a search for the keyword “alliance” in the “Document” file type to a certain friend:

Friend friend = core.getFriendManager().getFriend(friendGUID);

if (friend.isConnected()) {
       friend.getFriendConnection().send(new Search(“alliance”, FileType.DOCUMENT.id();

That’s all there’s to it. The RPC will be automatically serialized and sent over the network. Once the RPC is received on the other end Alliance will execute Search.execute(…). That’s where the logic to handle a search request resides.

File management

Tiger hashes are used to identify files in Alliance. Every file is split into 1 Mb blocks and each block is hashed individually. There is also a root hash created for each file. The hash information and other meta-data are contained in FileDescriptors.

Incomplete files are stored in a BlockStorage. The block storage takes care of keeping track what is saved for what file and can defragment files when they’re completed.

File transfers

Files are downloaded block by block, in a random fashion. It would be preferable to a rarest-first algorithm here, just like BitTorrent.

Lets say node X wants to download a file. X sends a GetBlockMask to all its friends. This RPC contains the root hash of the file download. All friends that have the file (complete or incomplete) reply with a BlockMaskResult. A block mask is a bitset that describes what blocks of the file a friend has. After this X opens DownloadConnections to the friends it wants to download blocks from.

[More information will be available here in the future]

Subsystem UI

No information here yet. We are not planning on making any significant changes in the UI subsystem anyway. It works well as is.

[More information will be available here in the future]

Threading model

The threading model of Alliance is pretty straightforward. This is a strength of Alliance. Alliance uses asynchronous non-blocking I/O. Because of that only one thread is needed to handle all communication. In fact, this one thread handles all code execution in the entire Core subsystem.

The other thread is the AWT event thread. It takes care of all Swing code and all code execution in the UI subsystem.

It is extremely important to make sure that no UI code runs in the Core thread and vice versa. To run UI code from the Core thread SwingUtilities.invokeLater() is used. To run Core code from the UI thread CoreSubsystem.invokeLater() is used.

There are a few other threads that run in the background. Examples of such threads are: The regular UI update thread, the ShareScanner and the FriendConnector.


Launchers are entry points into the Alliance code.


The UI Launcher is the standard entry point. It starts the Core subsystem and shows the tray icon. Depending on command line parameters it might or might not start the UI subsystem.


The Testsuite is used by developers for testing. It can automatically generate setting files for a (large) group of fictional Alliance users. All these users are connected to each other in a tree that reassembles a real network (they all connect and listen on different ports on localhost).

When launching the Testsuite all these Alliance instances are started in one Java VM. Only the Core subsystem is started for each node.

There’s a small UI in the Testsuite allowing launching of the UI subsystem for a given instance of Core. This way a developer can for example launch 30 Alliances nodes connected to each other and selectively launch the UI for certain nodes.

The Testsuite makes for an excellent test bed when developing Alliance.

Third party libraries

Below is a list of all third party libraries. All binaries (.jar files) for these libraries are checked into the version control system (SVN) under lib/.


A nice look’n’feel for Swing. Based on the Synth l’n’f. Currently we are using the BlackStar theme of the Synthetica l’n’f.



JDesktop Integration Components. Used for the tray icon.


Infonode 1.4

Infonode is used for its docking windows UI (the tabs in Alliance).



JUnit is a testing framework. It is used very scarcely in Alliance right now. The plan is to create more JUnit tests for Alliance in the future.


XUI, StendahlsUI, NIF, StendahlsTheme

Third party libraries developed by Maciek Drejak. XUI lays out Swing GUIs using XML. StendahlsTheme is a special theme used with Infonode to create the shaded tabs used in Alliance. NIF and StendahlsUI contain a mixed bag of convenient java tools.

Maciek Drejak created these libraries for his employer and they are the property of that company. These libraries are currently closed source.