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Building Alliance using Eclipse


This short guide will help you to set up Eclipse for compiling Alliance. Once you are done with this guide you will be able to make changes in the Alliance code, compile them and test it using the Alliance testsuite.

Creating a new project

First of all you need to create a new project, so start up Eclipse and choose New->Project... from the file menu.

In the New Project dialog that appears, choose "Checkout Projects from SVN" and then click Next

If the SVN Folder is not available in the New Project dialog you will need to install the SVN Plugin first. You can download a SVN by http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x to your Eclipse Update Sites (Help->Software Updates...->Available Software->Add Site)

In the Checkout from SVN dialog that appears, choose to create a new Repository Location and then click Next

Now enter : https://alliancep2p.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/alliancep2p in the URL field and then click Finish

We have now explained to Eclipse where the data should come from. Now we need to tell Eclipse what it should do with it. Therefore the New Project dialog reapears. This time we select new Jaca Project.

In the next dialog we can now give this project a name. You can name it whatever you like. I would suggest "Alliance". Then click Next

Now we can specify forther properties of the Project. You can define the path for the class files,.. Then click Finish

Eclipse will then warn you that files from SVN will overwrite files generated by the New Project Wizard. But thats exactly what we want. Then the download of the files from the Subversion Repository will start. After that you will have a new Project in your Workspace.

Configuring project properties

Eclipse will show you that there are Errors in the Project. That is due to references to libraries. So we now have to tell Eclipse about these libraries. This is easily done by right clicking the Project and choosing Properties.

In the Properties dialog you chose Java Build Path in the Tree and activate the Libraries tab. In the tab you click the "Add Jars..." button. in the appearing dialog select all Jar files in the lib directory and click "ok". Then you can also close the Properties dialog with a click on "ok".

Run Alliance

Now select "Run Configurations..." from the Run Menue. Create a Confuguration. In in Tab enter "org.alliance.misc.GenerateTestSuite" as Main Class. Then add in the Arguments tab a folder that contaisn the folders with files for the Alliance instances to share with each other. Save the settings by clicking "Apply" and run the configuration. It will generate configration files in the "testsuite/settings" folder in your project.

We are now ready to go. So create another Run Configuration. This time use "org.alliance.launchers.testsuite.Main" as Main Class and add "-Dtestsuite=true" as VM Parameter. and Run it. After the Testsuite dialog appears give it some time to index all the files.

Thats it. Hack on!

If you need more information have a look at the technical documentation or the developer forum.